
Value Investment Maven
Discover how you can generate consistent returns in the stock market every single year.
A safe, proven and time-tested value investing strategy is completely dissected that will enable you to begin building sustainable wealth.
Level: Beginner
Growth Investing Program
Imagine if you can double your money every 3 years.
We reveal investment strategies to achieve 26% CAGR so you can double your investment every 3 years by investing in high growth companies.
Level: Intermediate

Macro Investor Program
Recession-proof investment strategies Exposed!
The lesser known sector rotation strategies will be revealed to you so you can maximize profits in any economic cycle through recession proof strategies.
Level: Advance
Speaking Engagement
Looking for speakers to impart knowledge and inspire action?
We have a faculty of speakers and practitioners to share their experience and strategies across all asset classes. Drop us a line at hello(at) to tell us your requirements.

ShareInvestor WebPro & Station
An essential investment tool for all investors and traders
A full suite of fundamental data and technical charts is readily available for your investment analysis. Be the first to be updated with the latest financial news and information. With ShareInvestor WebPro, you will be able to make good investment decisions with confidence. Use our promo code WF2023WP to enjoy a 5% discount. If you wish to upgrade to ShareInvestor Station, you may use this promo code WF2023SIS to enjoy 5% discount.
Fulfillment Policy
All online courses purchased will be processed within 1 (one) working day, unless notified by Customer Service upon purchase.
Login and Password to access the program will be sent to you within 24 hours via email.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
All sales of product is final. Prices for product offered may change at any time, and WealthFort International Sdn Bhd does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of any promotional offering.
WealthFort International Sdn Bhd reserves the right to offer refunds, discounts or other consideration in selected circumstances at its sole discretion. Please note that each circumstance is unique and election to make such an offer in one instance does not create the obligation to do so in another.